ZEN: Sympathetic Vibration
2020.10 - 2020.12
TEAM|Xiaoting Tan, Anqi Pan, Haonan Wang
Interactive public interfaces are opportunities for designers to affect more people. I believe that traditional rituals can inspire a novel approach to the design of digital experiences in public spaces. Inspired by traditional Buddhist rituals and elements, I created Zen, we hope people can get a space for short-term relaxation through their bodies' frequency conversion in these three public installations, and percept themselves under high-pressure life in the postmodern society. In addition, it provides a way for Buddhist culture to integrate into life in a more modern way.
Liquid Modernity
As time flows on, ‘modernity’ changes its forms in the manner of the legendary Proteus . . . What was some time ago dubbed (erroneously) 'post-modernity' and what I've chosen to call, more to the point, 'liquid modernity', is the growing conviction that change is the only permanence, and uncertainty the only certainty. A hundred years ago 'to be modern' meant to chase 'the final state of perfection' -- now it means an infinity of improvement, with no 'final state' in sight and none desired.
——Zygmunt Bauman

"Involution" is a well-known academic concept and a popular concept on the Internet. On the Internet, it mainly refers to "relying on extreme exploitation and squeezing oneself, to obtain a small amount of competitive advantage in society." Obviously, there can be more relaxed and effective choices, but still have to continue to invest energies and resources in the old choices. Another change may be a shift from one pole to the other of a continuum—from religious to secular ways of thinking.
Buddhism offers methods to alleviate stress and anxiety and promote wellbeing. Some of these have become widely known courses to help manage stress, anxiety and in some cases depression.

We intend to introduce Buddhist elements and related rituals to construct the experience of the installation and promote ritual-like interaction, to bring the public healing space into the city, relieve the pressure of modern life and regulate emotions.
bring the power of rituals to public space
A ritual experience is one that transports the participant away from their mundane daily activity. Many rituals derive their power to transform identities and contexts of action and meaning, which are located in the mundane order of everyday life, through effecting transformations within the organisation of their performance. The power of ritual comes from the mind of its participants because the action of a ritual, and sometimes words are imbued with meaning by the participant. Therefore, mundane actions can be ritualistic when they are performed with the mental intention and framed with a certain formality that guides the participant through a transformation.
——Designing With Ritual Interaction: A Novel Approach to Compassion Cultivation Through a Buddhist-Inspired Interactive Artwork

”Healing Wheel“ was based on the shape of the prayer wheel, in which people could walk freely, and touching the wall can trigger the sound of traditional Buddhist musical instruments with healing effects. Sliding the wall with the pace can produce continuous music, reflecting the walking frequency, and giving participants a sense of harmony and tranquillity.




Mandala is the energy and sacred symbol in Buddhism. We use the breathing sensor to convert the frequency of breathing into changing mandala patterns. People could experience mindfulness meditation in visual healing to achieve decompression and relaxation.



Inspired by the traditional Buddhist shrines, I hope to build a fully equal cyber Buddhist shrine to convert people’s hopes into changing patterns or words by their brain waves. Everyone can claim one of their own digital Buddhas to recite their dreams repeatedly and increase karma for their dreams.